Using the pharmacy discount card is an easy process. After you have signed up for your card here, you will automatically receive an electronic version of your card, which you can print and use immediately. We will also mail you a copy of the card if you prefer. After you have received your card, simply follow these three easy steps:

If you have insurance, your pharmacist will compare the discounted Discounts Rx price with the price your insurance offers for the medication. You pay whatever is least expensive. The first time you use your card, your pharmacist will save your card information on file. Each visit after your initial visit to that pharmacy chain, your savings will automatically be deducted. 

What we do:

Our work is in setting the best savings rates for cardholders. We negotiate the highest possible discounts to ensure that you get the best prescription deals available.

The card without limits.

Your card will never expire and covers almost all FDA-approved brand and generic medications. You can use your card at any of the 60,000 approved pharmacies across the US. The Discounts Rx pharmacy discount card is accepted at all major chains in the US, including Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, Walmart, Target, Costco, Kroger, Publix, Shop 'n Save, and many more. Almost every pharmacy (92%) in the US accepts our card!

You can share your card with anyone you feel could use this type of prescription assistance, such as friends, family, and even co-workers. Both citizens and non-citizens may use the card.

Anyone can benefit. 

Whether you are insured, uninsured, or under insured, this card will benefit you by providing you with the lowest possible price for your prescription medication. Many cardholders have found that the price they receive with their discount pharmacy card is often much less than their co-pay. Individuals with high deductibles or Health Savings Account (HSA) plans have found the discount card to have large benefits. You can even use your discount card to save on medication that is excluded by your insurance plan or that is not covered because you have exceeded your insurance plan's maximum limits. Best of all, there is no paperwork to fill out. Your card is pre-activated so you can simply print your card and start saving on your prescription medications immediately!

Discounts Rx will never share your personal or medical information with a third party. We strongly adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).